2023 Charities
Best of Clarksville is celebrating our 27th anniversary this fall & are proud to announce our 2023 local charity recipients: F.A.I.T.H. Cancer Care Foundation, Mikaela's Mutt Motel, THe Caleb Cares Project & ArtLink. Each of the charities will receive proceeds from the event, scheduled for Thursday, October 3, 2024 at Governor’s Square Mall in Clarksville.
Sunshine Respite HouseOur goal is to build a full service relief, recess and relaxation bed & breakfast where we will welcome women with cancer - before, after and during treatment - for day visits and 4 night stays, year around.
This will be a place to get away from the daily grind where women can focus on their health/healing/wellbeing, share experiences, fellowship with others facing cancer and start the healing process … mind, body & spirit. We will offer services such as yoga, oncology massages, reiki, sound therapy, and various workshops. Enjoy some free time! Go for a swim in the pool, relax in the jacuzzi, go for a walk, or just sit out on the porch in a rocking chair. |
Mission / Goal: Our mission is to rescue abandoned, stray, and unwanted dogs in the Clarksville and surrounding community. We currently partner with a local training organization to provide free training assessments and discounted training to our adopters.
The Caleb Cares Project is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization that serves as an outreach in the Clarksville, Montgomery County, Tennessee area. Caleb Slate (https://ajourneyforcaleb.org/caleb/) not only lived, went to school and worked in our community, but he gave his heart and time in community service and showed love to people every day. This nonprofit strives to honor Caleb and carry on his legacy by using our hands to show love, give back and serve our community in his memory. Caleb died suddenly and tragically when he took his own life on August 12, 2019. Devastatingly, Caleb did not leave behind an explanation or reasons for that choice, but he did leave behind a legacy of love for us to continue. We were not ready for our earthly life to end with Caleb, so this Project helps us keep his name spoken and his love alive. While The Caleb Cares Project is an outreach organization, we also strive to bring awareness to young people and their families that suicide does not discriminate and strongly encourage open and honest conversations at home about what to do when difficult circumstances arise and life turns dark. |
Artlink Clarksville Mission: To Ignite Passion and Build Character through Creativity.
ArtLink is a FREE creative arts program for the community of Clarksville, TN and the surrounding areas. We provide a safe environment enabling people to learn and explore various mediums of art through a variety of creative outlets. |
The Best of Clarksville is very excited to be hosted by these local groups whose focus is giving back to the Clarksville community.

Kiwanis is an international organization dedicated to serving the needs of children. The Kiwanis Club of Clarksville is one of the region's largest and most productive clubs. www.clarksvillekiwanis.org

With a motto of “Service Above Self,” the mission of the Clarksville Rotary Club as well as Rotary International, is to provide service to others, promote integrity, advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through its fellowship of business, professional and community leaders. www.clarksvillerotaryclubtn.com

Bikers Who Care is an organization of motorcycle enthusiasts dedicated to supporting children's charities. The organization functions solely on volunteers and is able to donate funds entirely to various causes that directly benefit children in need. More information can be found at www.bikerswhocare.org